Royal Forest of Dean Restaurants and Tea Shops cater for all tastes and can be found extensively throughout the Royal Forest of Dean region, each with it's own style and speciality.
The English Tea Shop is known throughout the world for it's traditional style, freshly made cream cakes, and pots of tea - a style emulated from the middle east to eastern Europe but never quite like those to be found in England and in particular in the Royal Forest of Dean where the tradition of taking tea dates back 300 years.
The great perception by foreign visitors of English restaurant food not having a very good reputation has long been laid to rest and one of the great modern day pre-occupations of the English is the maintenance of high standards of cuisine to equal and if not better their counterparts in Europe.
Click on one of the following restaurants / tea rooms for Menu details:-
Eating Out in the The Royal Forest of Dean, Herefordshire and Momnouthshire